11U Baseball


10 - 11 Years of Age

Welcome to the Athabasca Minor Ball Association 11U (formerly Mosquito) Program.  This program is held from April to June and provides intermediate to advanced level instruction for baseball.

Your child will continue to improve their skill levels and knowledge of throwing, catching, pitching, and hitting the ball properly; as well emphasis will be placed on field positioning and base running.  Your child will be involved in game situations and emphasis will be placed on field positioning and hitting.  The importance of fair play, teamwork and fun will continue to be emphasized.

Games will include some travel to surrounding communities.  Practices and games may be held up to three times per week.

Equipment Required:

  • Helmet with chin strap
  • Grey ball pants & matching red belt
  • Protective Cup
  • Red baseball socks
  • Ball Glove
  • Ball Shoes
  • Water bottle

A wind-up tournament for this league will be played in June.

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