
Players will NOT be considered fully registered or allowed to play until 

ALL fees have been received by AMBA for insurance purposes.

Registrations will be accepted for Baseball and Girls Softball.  Please select the appropriate league under "Registrations" tab to register and find more information.

Our new registration sites have been set up to register in compliance with Baseball Alberta (Spordle) and Softball Alberta (RAMP) leagues accordingly.  It is important you are registering your child in the appropriate league/division.  Failure to do so may result in a $50 administration fee. 

Coaches will receive their player roster and practices will start April/May - watch for dates.

Late Registrations will only be accepted based on roster availability and if available are subject to an additional $50 fee.


NSF Fee $25

Baseball Registration

Girls Softball Registration


Jersey Deposit

A $50 jersey deposit cheque is required before receiving a jersey. The cheque should be post-dated for June 30, 2025, and made payable to AMBA. If the jersey is not returned by the deadline, the cheque will be cashed. Otherwise, once the jersey is returned, the cheque will be securely destroyed.


Jumpstart Program: Jumpstart will sponsor a child up to $300.00 for spring/summer program and up to $300.00 for fall/winter program. 

Completing the AMBA online registration does not apply to JumpStart.  In addition to registering with AMBA online, you must complete the online application through JumpStart at  Please contact Joleen LeSage at 780-675-3019 for further information.

Etransfer will be available for the 2025 season for registration fees.  Please etransfer to  Please ensure you note your Player Name, Age Division and Baseball or Softball in the note for your etransfer. EXAMPLE:  Jane Doe - U11 Softball

RAMP Registration

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RAMP Websites

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RAMP Team App

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